PAPRECA hybrid off-lattice kMC/MD simulator  2.0.0 (17 September 2024)
Download and Installation

PAPRECA repository and download

The source code of PAPRECA is stored and can be downloaded/pulled from this GitHub repository.

To clone the latest PAPRECA repository on your machine execute the following commands:

git clone -b release mypapreca #Add the latest PAPRECA repository to a folder named mypapreca

PAPRECA autobuild

The quickest way to install PAPRECA is by using the autobuild script located in ./Installation/autobuild. Running the autobuild script can be as simple as executing the following bash command form the ./Installation/autobuild/ directory of the PAPRECA project:


The autobuild script pulls LAMMPS from the official Github repository, builds LAMMPS with the fix papreca command, and finally, builds PAPRECA.

Note 1: At the moment, building with autobuild will generate a LAMMPS library that includes the following packages: EXTRA-DUMP, MOLECULE, RIGID, QEQ, REAXFF, REPLICA, KSPACE, KOKKOS, MEAM. Modify the package_args variable of the script (located in the ./Installation/autobuild/ directory of the PAPRECA project) to build with different packages, if necessary.

Note 2: Compiler and build options for both LAMMPS and PAPRECA can be added to either the or scripts, if necessary.

CAUTION: In case the user desires to install PAPRECA manually (or if autobuild fails), LAMMPS will have to be installed manually with the papreca fix. Then, PAPRECA will have to be built using either cmake or a traditional make method (see sections bellow for more information).

Read before you install MANUALLY: Important notes and prerequisites

• Copy fix_papreca.h and fix_papreca.cpp files from the PAPRECA source files (located in ./source/libraries/LAMMPS/ of the pulled PAPRECA directory) to the LAMMPS source files (located in ./src/ of the pulled LAMMPS directory). This will install LAMMPS with the fix papreca command option which is necessary to run PAPRECA (see fix papreca command for more information).

Build LAMMPS as a shared library (with any optional LAMMPS packages that you intend to use) before you build PAPRECA. The minimum working LAMMPS version (tag) is: patch_15Sep2022. Version patch_15Sep2022 and any later release version have been tested with PAPRECA and are expected to function properly. Nevertheless, users are advised to use the latest working LAMMPS version (patch_29Aug2024).

The following snippet demonstrates (briefly) how LAMMPS can be built as a shared library with a few optional packages:

git clone --depth 1 --branch patch_29Aug2024 mylammps #clone LAMMPS with tag patch_17Apr2024 to a folder named mylammps
cd mylammps
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DPKG_EXTRA-DUMP=on -DPKG_MOLECULE=on -DPKG_RIGID=on -DPKG_QEQ=on -DPKG_REAXFF=on -DBUILD_LIB=on -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=on ../cmake #Configure LAMMPS, build with some optional package, and enable lib building as well as shared libraries
cmake --build . #make -j N (where N is the number of processes) can also be used for multicore installation

Note 1: To run all the examples in the ./Examples/ folder (see examples) you must build your LAMMPS library with the following packages: EXTRA-DUMP, MOLECULE, RIGID, and QEQ.

• The current version of PAPRECA (1.0) runs only on LINUX-based systems. Cross-platform compatibility will be available in future versions. At the moment, non-LINUX users can run PAPRECA on a virtual machine (e.g., VirtualBox or Windows Subsystem for Linux).

• An MPI/C++ compiler (e.g., mpicxx or mpiCC) that is at least compatible with the C++11 standard is required to build PAPRECA.

• After configuring the LAMMPS build, kindly ensure that the MPI package has been correctly configured. If the MPI package is not configured, cmake will build a non-MPI LAMMPS version which will lead to PAPRECA linkage errors. If the installed MPI compiler in your system is not detected by cmake, you should add the following argument to your cmake configuration command: -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/your/cxx/compiler. Hint: the relevant cxx compiler path can be obtained by running: 'which compiler_name' (e.g., 'which mpicxx'). It is advised that the same flag (i.e., -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER) is also used for the configuration of LAMMPS.

• Exactly the same package (e.g., MPI protocol, MPI/C++ compiler, openMP) versions have to be used when building LAMMPS and PAPRECA. You will probably encounter linking errors if there is a package version mismatch.

Building PAPRECA manually

After building LAMMPS as a library, PAPRECA can be built using a Traditional Make approach or a CMake approach. However, mixed Traditional Make/CMake builds should be avoided! If you installed PAPRECA using a traditional Make approach you should remove all associated libraries, dependency files, and executables before re-building with CMake (and vice versa).


Building both LAMMPS and PAPRECA with CMake is generally recommended since it does not require the manual specification of installation packages (e.g., MPI/C++ compiler). However, some modifications to the CMakelists.txt file might have to be made if your machine includes many different installation package versions.

To build PAPRECA with CMake you should execute the following commands in the cloned PAPRECA repository:

mkdir build; cd build
cmake ../Installation/CMake -DLAMMPS_SRC_DIR=/path/to/LAMMPS/source -DLAMMPS_LIB_DIR=/path/to/LAMMPS/library #Replace paths with YOUR source (./src LAMMPS directory) and library (typically ./build LAMMPS directory) paths.
cmake --build . #make -j N (where N is the number of processes) can also be used for multicore installation

Where, you must replace the relevant paths with your source (./src LAMMPS directory) and library (typically ./build LAMMPS directory) LAMMPS .

Note: To build PAPRECA with debug symbols you must also include the following flag: "-DBUILD_DEBUG=ON". If such flag is ignored, CMake will build PAPRECA without debug symbols and with the following C++ compiler optimization flag: -O3.

Traditional Make

An example traditional "MakeFile" together with a "MakeConfig" file are located in this project directory: Installation/Traditional Make/. Before building the project the user should modify the "MakeConfig" file. Specifically, the following paths must be updated:

• The "BUILDDIR" variable should point at the PAPRECA build directory. Make sure the directory exists before you build.

• The "LAMMPS" variable should point at the main-parent LAMMPS directory. Note that, this directory neither the ./src or ./build paths (i.e., your input directory is the folder containing both build and src folders).

After configuring the relevant paths in "MakeConfig" the "" script (included in the Installation/Traditional Make/ directory) can be executed to build the PAPRECA libraries and the papreca executable (in the specified build folder):


This is what the "" script does in detail:

#Install PAPRECA library
cd ../../source/libraries/PAPRECA/
make -f MakeFile clean
make -f MakeFile
cd ../../../Installation/Traditional\ Make/
mkdir ../../TraditionalMakeBuild
make -f MakeFile clean
make -f MakeFile

To remove all associated libraries, dependency files, and executables of a Traditional Make build you can use the "" (included in the Installation/Traditional Make/ directory).


This is what the script "" does in detail:

#Uninstall PAPRECA library
cd ../../source/libraries/PAPRECA/
make -f MakeFile clean
rm libKMC.a
cd ../../../Installation/Traditional\ Make/
rm -R ../../TraditionalMakeBuild