PAPRECA hybrid off-lattice kMC/MD simulator  2.0.0 (17 September 2024)
PAPRECA Directory Reference


file  bond.cpp
 Definitions for PAPRECA::Bond.
file  bond.h [code]
 Declarations for PAPRECA::Bond.
file  debug.cpp
 Definitions for debug.h.
file  debug.h [code]
 Functions that can potentially be useful for debugging purposes. These function are not used in the main code. Also, some of those might need a modification to work for your specific debugging requirements.
file  equilibration.cpp
 Definitions for equilibration.h.
file  equilibration.h [code]
 Declarations for functions equilibrate the system (i.e., Molecular Dynamics runs, system minimization runs) and equilibration-related functions (e.g., functions that delete desorbed atoms).
file  event.cpp
 Definitions for PAPRECA:Event class and its children classes.
file  event.h [code]
 Declarations for PAPRECA:Event class and its children classes.
file  event_detect.cpp
 Definitions for event_detect.h.
file  event_detect.h [code]
 Declarations for functions that detect predefined events.
file  event_execute.cpp
 Definitions for event_detect.h.
file  event_execute.h [code]
 Declarations for functions that execute events.
file  event_list.cpp
 Definitions of PredefinedEvent classes.
file  event_list.h [code]
 Declarations of PredefinedEvent classes.
file  event_select.cpp
 Definitions for event_detect.h.
file  event_select.h [code]
 Declarations for functions that (stochastically) select events for execution.
file  export_files.cpp
 Definitions for export_files.f.
file  export_files.h [code]
 Declarations of export File classes.
file  geometry_calc.cpp
 Definitions for geometry_calc.h.
file  geometry_calc.h [code]
 Header for geometry calculation functions (e.g., film height, interference).
file  input_file.cpp
 Definitions for input_file.h.
file  input_file.h [code]
 Declarations of functions related to the reading of the PAPRECA input file, and the initialization of the PAPRECA::PaprecaConfig object from the PAPRECA input file.
file  lammps_wrappers.cpp
 Definitions for LAMMPS wrapper functions.

file  lammps_wrappers.h [code]
 Declarations for LAMMPS wrapper functions.
file  mpi_wrappers.cpp
 Definitions for mpi_wrappers.h.
file  mpi_wrappers.h [code]
 Wrapper functions of MPI protocol functions.
file  papreca.h [code]
 General PAPRECA header containing all headers of the PAPRECA library.
file  papreca_config.cpp
 Definitions for the PAPRECA::PaprecaConfig class.
file  papreca_config.h [code]
 Declarations for PAPRECA::PaprecaConfig class storing settings and global variables.
file  papreca_error.cpp
 Definitions for papreca_error.h.
file  papreca_error.h [code]
 Functions that enable the communication of error/warning messages to the terminal and coordinate the safe termination of MPI processes.
file  rates_calc.cpp
 Function definitions for rates_calc.h.
file  rates_calc.h [code]
 Includes functions used to calculate the rates of predefined events. All functions return rates in Hz (i.e., 1/s). However, not all inputs to these functions are in SI units. Please see the specific function descriptions for more information. PAPRECA reports time in SI units (i.e., seconds), however, all other units are in complete accordance with LAMMPS units (e.g., REAL, SI, etc.) as defined in the LAMMPS units file (through the units command).
file  sim_clock.cpp
 Definitions for sim_clock.h.
file  sim_clock.h [code]
 Declarations for functions that (stochastically) advance the simulation time.
file  utilities.cpp
 Definitions for utilities.h.
file  utilities.h [code]
 Utility functions (e.g., for arrays, strings etc.) and typedefs used in papreca.cpp main and in the other header files.